We realize that when we post or share stories like this one from The Daily Bell, a libertarian site, people will roll out their usual barrage of epithets, it comes with the territory. People assume we belong to this or that group snd so forth. We don't.
We are not hate mongers of any sort. There is an old Hollywood western movie, now a classic, famous for one line: "Prove it." We are simply in search of the truth, not the mostly doctored up, managed stuff MSM coughs up daily.
In this article it mentions Americans "struggle to pay for food and shelter." To that we would add healthcare. Truth, real truth, is suppose to be palatable to all sides, at least the airing out and search for it. Once upon a time the stock market indexes were held up by what was called The Nifty Fifty. The meme then was you could buy them and hold them forever. Today, it's The Nifty Few holding up the ceiling.
There's some tough talk in here. But the truth is hardly ever soft. In our years of studying and being in the markets, more than a kernel, to those who wish to take their blinders off. Our experience may not invalidate yours. But in no way does yours invalidate ours in a so-called free, open society. And in no way is it a violation of any hate speech, hate mongering or zero tolerance of today's of dangerous PC code.
Anthony Wile: Are there other reasons for this hike now that we are not hearing about?
Jay Taylor: Yes, I think so. In addition to having some firepower for future rate decreases and to try to maintain some credibility, I think the preservation of the petrodollar is a main concern. Both China and Russia have not tried to hide their hatred for the petrodollar, which
has enabled the U.S. to engage in systematic theft of global resources. The Chinese and Russians have been dis-hoarders of the dollar and have been piling into gold. Reportedly, the Russians have been building their gold stockpile as they sell their oil to China not for dollars but for gold. The BRICS are systematically setting up their own banking system to compete with the petrodollar system that has been the heart of the Anglo-American and NATO world post World War II. So raising rates has the effect of making the dollar somewhat more
desirable vis-a-vis the even more pathetic global currencies.
Anthony Wile: Overall, has the Fed been doing a good job managing the economy? Can the Fed manage the economy?
Jay Taylor: The idea that a group of people can better manage markets than the collective and spontaneous wisdom of millions of market participants is as ridiculous as believing in the tooth fairy. Why in the world have we not learned anything from the experience of the Soviet Union? Not only has the Fed not been doing a good job, they have been systematically destroying capitalism by disallowing price discovery of capital. Not only that but they have been involved in bailing out criminal banks that lied and stole during the housing bubble. Not only is the Fed a complete failure in terms of doing what it is supposed to do, it is also a criminal organization made legal by criminal politicians.
Anthony Wile: What's your impression of Janet Yellen? Is she in charge? Are others?
Jay Taylor: The shareholders of the Fed – the money center banks are in charge. She, like the president of the U.S., is merely a well-indoctrinated puppet.
Anthony Wile: What's your impression of the Fed these days? Is it losing credibility? Is it damaged in the eyes of the public?
For the answer to that question you'll have to read the article.
Taylor: Of course, in my eyes and in the eyes of most Austrian economic
thinkers, the Fed has been losing its credibility for years. It was
created supposedly to reduce the business cycle. But history shows,
starting with the Great Depression, that they have only served to
exacerbate the business cycle by creating endless bubbles. Not only
that; they have destroyed the purchasing power of the U.S. dollar by
something like 97% since the Fed's birth in 1913. The only question
remaining is how long will it take before Pinocchio's nose is so long
that the whole world sees it as the fraud that it is? - See more at:
Taylor: Of course, in my eyes and in the eyes of most Austrian economic
thinkers, the Fed has been losing its credibility for years. It was
created supposedly to reduce the business cycle. But history shows,
starting with the Great Depression, that they have only served to
exacerbate the business cycle by creating endless bubbles. Not only
that; they have destroyed the purchasing power of the U.S. dollar by
something like 97% since the Fed's birth in 1913. The only question
remaining is how long will it take before Pinocchio's nose is so long
that the whole world sees it as the fraud that it is? - See more at:
Taylor: Of course, in my eyes and in the eyes of most Austrian economic
thinkers, the Fed has been losing its credibility for years. It was
created supposedly to reduce the business cycle. But history shows,
starting with the Great Depression, that they have only served to
exacerbate the business cycle by creating endless bubbles. Not only
that; they have destroyed the purchasing power of the U.S. dollar by
something like 97% since the Fed's birth in 1913. The only question
remaining is how long will it take before Pinocchio's nose is so long
that the whole world sees it as the fraud that it is? - See more at:
Taylor: Of course, in my eyes and in the eyes of most Austrian economic
thinkers, the Fed has been losing its credibility for years. It was
created supposedly to reduce the business cycle. But history shows,
starting with the Great Depression, that they have only served to
exacerbate the business cycle by creating endless bubbles. Not only
that; they have destroyed the purchasing power of the U.S. dollar by
something like 97% since the Fed's birth in 1913. The only question
remaining is how long will it take before Pinocchio's nose is so long
that the whole world sees it as the fraud that it is? - See more at:
Taylor: Of course, in my eyes and in the eyes of most Austrian economic
thinkers, the Fed has been losing its credibility for years. It was
created supposedly to reduce the business cycle. But history shows,
starting with the Great Depression, that they have only served to
exacerbate the business cycle by creating endless bubbles. Not only
that; they have destroyed the purchasing power of the U.S. dollar by
something like 97% since the Fed's birth in 1913. The only question
remaining is how long will it take before Pinocchio's nose is so long
that the whole world sees it as the fraud that it is? - See more at:
Taylor: Of course, in my eyes and in the eyes of most Austrian economic
thinkers, the Fed has been losing its credibility for years. It was
created supposedly to reduce the business cycle. But history shows,
starting with the Great Depression, that they have only served to
exacerbate the business cycle by creating endless bubbles. Not only
that; they have destroyed the purchasing power of the U.S. dollar by
something like 97% since the Fed's birth in 1913. The only question
remaining is how long will it take before Pinocchio's nose is so long
that the whole world sees it as the fraud that it is? - See more at: