Here's a point in the Hillary pneumonia-dehydration cover up that apparently no one has brought up yet.
Part of the shills are saying she has a strenuous schedule with long hours and travel and appearing before big crowds and it's highly likely that could weaken her immune system and subject her to pneumonia.
Well, here's something that's just as highly likely. She is considered by many valuable property and people insure such property. She's also a senior citizen, almost 69 years old, not just any government employee but one who in her previous job traveled the world. She is a person as are many in that age group with a medical history. No crime there. Just something medical people take into consideration when treating patients and making recommendations. It is a well-established medical belief that one's immune system declines with aging. Otherwise, what's the need for the vaccine in this age group in particular.? We will civil for a moment and rule out money. Pneumonia is one of the main killers of older people.
So we want to see her immunization records. Chances are better than good if she and her physicians follow the protocol of standard recommended community practices, she was given the pneumonia vaccine. It doesn't mean she is completely safe from getting pneumonia. It could be that if she contracted pneumonia it would be a less severe case, hardly likely one that could cause her to have the kind of episode she had. More importantly, not one that would miraculously get better within 90 or so minutes to make a well-stage public appearance.
Blaming it on dehydration as the noted metabolic specialist Dr. Bill Clinton tried to do and MSM gladly glommed onto would be laughable if it wasn't so arrogant and contemptible. It's is a direct insult to all the honest, decent practitioners in the nation who know better.
It is almost impossible to go to a health care facility today if you are over 55 years old and not be offered one of several vaccines, herpes zoster, flu, pneumonia. The average person in this category could only dream of having a travel schedule like hers, not to mention the crowds and exposure one would be subject to. It is also highly unlikely someone who is so big on big government would decline such a vaccine.
Clinton's publicly noted falls began in 2007. Since then she has had many more, some well documented. Dr. Bill Clinton and others would have you believe hydration is the cause. Yet for someone who is supposedly healthy enough to occupy the Oval Office, she seems to have an awful lot of dehydration episodes without any reasonably explained etiology. Is she just incompetent or willfully negligent? Have not her medical handlers told her how to deal with this supposed ongoing problem? At a such a stressful time as this are they not watching carefully enough to see that she doesn't get dehydrated? This is a person, unlike the most of us, who is observed almost 24/7 by numerous people. One would think given the circumstances we are asked to swallow, a few of them are qualified to understand the mechanisms of and treatments for dehydration.
The dehydration part is even further out there. Her handlers allow her to attend a gathering on a humid day--that is, if you grant them their interpretation of the weather--clad in dark blue clothing that exposes very little skin for cooling off, one of skin's main functions, to act as a thermostat. All this when less than two days earlier and, according to Dr. Bill Clinton, she has a long history of getting dehydrated, she is diagnosed with pneumonia and put on antibiotics. A decent personal injury lawyer just might see a decent case of medical malpractice and negligence here.
Perhaps the pubic could launch the lawsuit being that she in part operates on the public's soon to disappear $100 bills.