Sunday, June 16, 2013


For a long time we've railed against the CDC nonsense about the flu vaccine.

Now a Johns Hopkins flu expert steps into the breech of what has been suspected for some time. First these flu scares are just that--over-hyped scares.  But the over-reaction about the flu isn't the only area where the CDC is little more than a panic-mongering group of pseudo-scientists who love power and authority.

That power and authority is the life's blood of their funding. Much of what they do is little more than incestuous scientific masturbation. Keep the funds coming. Vaccine makers love the CDC.

These vaccines, like the ones for pneumonia and herpes zoster, to name just two, are aggressively hawked by health care organizations and big-time workman's comp providers, mostly as a so-called preventative and public service.  Hundreds of firms have one of these health care providers come out annually and inoculate their entire staff.  It's like an annual annuity that just keeps throwing off income.

Walk into any major pharmacy during the so-called flu season and you'll see ads for the flu shot. The smell of money is everywhere. This is a self-perpetuating sham. America is the most over-medicated, over-inoculated nation on the planet.

Another one is the tetanus vaccine. It used to be marketed for every 10 years. Now overly-aggressive health care providers push it on unsuspecting patients every five or eight years. And they have, like more and more things in medicine, expanded or widened the net for those who supposedly should get it.

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