But whenever it was my father usually prevailed. My mother was born and reared a catholic, though through her middle years she strayed into other non-catholic denominations only to return to her Catholicism a few years before her death.
My dad? Who knew, though he claimed membership in one well-known Protestant sect. His rule centered on letting my older brother and me grow up absent any indoctrination to decide for ourselves. And that's what we did as far as I can tell.
The priests at my mother's local parish didn't like the idea and they didn't give up either, especially after my father died leaving my mother with two young boys to raise alone. If today's young single, divorced or widowed mothers think they have few rights, they haven't studied much history. But we'll leave that for another time.
What's significant here is learning to decide for yourself. It's a right you never want to forfeit. And yet, ironically, it's a right more under siege today than ever.
Fair and balanced and much of that other BS, left or right, like all the news fit to spin, notwithstanding, today much of the real truth lay way outside MSM. It's a miraculously fast, exciting and dangerous era.
Once upon a time three major networks controlled the bulk of news. Through the lens of hindsight that too was a miraculously fast, exciting and extremely dangerous era
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