Thursday, November 20, 2014

THE PAULIE SPECIAL plate specials don't always get announced around noontime at those big warehouse outlets.

No sir. Some times they are offered from the bowels of media giants like the New York Times and show up on really big stages like Japan. Specials are supposed to be just that--special. 

And here's one we think is especially special. So much so we called it the Paulie Special.

You'll notice after a close reading the advice attached to the Paulie Special makes perfect sense. And we're sure you can't wait until it's playing at venue near you.

OMG Japan's Prime Minister is Acting on Advice He Has Received from Paul Krugman

Paulie writes at NYT:

Shinzo abe is dong the right thing. seeking to delay the next rise in consumption;
that is good economic policy, and also a fairly new experience for me--I met with
a national leader, made a case for the right policy, and he's doing it!

Of course, there is noting wrong with attempting to limit a tax burden. It should be
part of an overall program to shrink government involvement in an economy. But Paulie, 
no doubt, wants government spending to expand, with the government gong into debt to
fund the spending

How serious should Abe really take Paulie? Paulie's view on rice inflation in Japan
should be a clue. Paulie writes in the same NYT post:

But Japan isn;t suffering from stagflation; neither is Europe. They are, instead, suffering
from low inflation or deflation.How serious should Abe really take Paulie? Paulie's view
on price inflation in Japan should be a clue.

Low inflation/deflation?

Here are the latest CPI numbers out of Japan:

CPI JP recent months

 september 20143.280 %
 august 20143.290 %
 july 20143.400 %
 june 20143.607 %
 may 20143.707 %
 april 20143.410 %
 march 20141.610 %
 february 20141.512 %
 january 20141.410 %
 december 20131.611 %


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