How dirty is John Podesta. Well, from the looks of it, pretty dirty appears too kind. For a longtime we've been saying the editorial board at the WSJ was complicit with their failure to look into Hillary's health issue.
The board is a party of know nothings whose beloved Grand Old Party originated from know nothings and chose to do just that--know nothing when it came to her health problems because they were not getting their whinny ass way this election. Among independent voters, at least, there can be no contempt too great for these people, their love for the insipid Paul Ryan, the dismissive Mitch Romney and their stodgy old exclusive party.
Nor can there be any tears or sadness when this party puts out to sea on its way to the insignificant bowels of political history. A push here, a shove there, that's a rousing gathering every independent voter should love to attend. Starting time: Right after this election.
Among the latest, ninth round of Podesta email releases by Wikileaks this morning,
is a July 31, 2015 email by
Hillary Clinton's National Press Secretary Brian Fallon who lays out
the agenda for the day's rollout of Clinton's tax record and, more
importantly, Hillary's "
excellent health" medical statement,
where once again the media, listed as "AP, Politico, WSJ, WaPo, etc" is
exposed as coordinating and colluding with the campaign to send a
message that Hillary is in great health.
In the email written in the early hours on Friday, Fallon writes that in the "
rollout plan" for that same day, the campaign will "
Pitch the first round of stories to the travelling press corps (AP, Politico, WSJ, WaPo, etc) with a 2 pm embargo."
He goes on to say that for these stories "
we will provide
the full text of HRC’s physician’s letter, summarizing that she is in
excellent health and is medically fit to perform the duties of
President. We will push that she is the FIRST presidential candidate to release this info."
In further evidence of the prepared media narrative, Fallon points out that "
expect the stories that pop at 2 pm to have headlines such as “CLINTON
Fallon also plans how to
approach the "friendly" press in an attempt to "one-up" Jeb Bush, who at
the time was seen as her biggest challenger, in terms of financial
disclosures, and specifically her tax filings.
The Russians did it is a theme without any traction. And even if they did--and they didn't--the emails show the enormous layers of dirt, how the whole election process to these people, both parties, has nothing to do with, by, for anyone but themselves.
In Emil Zola's classic Gernimal there's a scene where some of the young miners are sitting around discussing the prospect tearing down the system and rebuilding it again (Think here all the recent articles coming from those whining conservative Republicans at the WSJ about doing the same for their party after this election!) when one of them raises a bigger, more important question: What happens if after you rebuild it, it's just as corrupt as it was before? Then you tear it down and leave it down because it doesn't deserve to exist, another participant says.
That's exactly why the gutless Republican party as it currently is won't exist. It doesn't deserve to. Usually one or two lessons bubble to the surface out of these trumped up, phony elections every four years.That's why this is one of the healthiest elections of modern times.