Anyone who doesn't already think or know money--big money--and politics are inseparable might what to consider getting a head examination soon. If you read this article you'll understand just how much it plays a role in your life.
The other thing you need to understand is a term used in the story, war. The people who lost want to stymie and defeat those who won. And they will do whatever they have to do to accomplish that. Fifty-five million voted one way, fifty-five million the other. Very few minds, if any, left to be convinced. That's about as clear a line in the sand or warning as you're going to get. You should also note if you have not stuck your head up somewhere only a scope ever shines how underground so-called safe spaces or shelters the elites are building.
Dante talked about the hottest places in hell being preserved for those who stay neutral in a crisis. When you try to justify money and democracy, you'll soon learn they're about as mixable as oil and water. This is not a democracy and never was one. If you think so, find out how much influence your vote has compared to what the big money mentioned in this article buys.
If you think otherwise, try to get in touch with your elected representative sometime. If you think some physician telling you to take two aspirins, go to bed and call him next year is distant, indifferent and cold, you have not tried to speak with your elected official anytime in this century.
The Russians are always a convenient foil just as we are for them. Even if the Russians were behind all the hacking--and they weren't--U.S. administrations have been spying on everyone including you and me. And they've used that spying to swing elections in other sovereign countries for years. And short of that, they use another common tool--assassinations.
The feeling I get from big donors out here in California is that... they’re shell-shocked," warns investor Marc Nathanson, who spent big in 2016, adding that he has no interest in participating in the party’s rebuilding efforts. As The Hill reports, many Democratic donors still feel burned by the party’s 2016 election losses and what they see as dysfunction in the DNC. "They’re tired," said one DNC official fingering the blame elsewhere, "they’re upset about the election, and there was significant trauma surrounding the Russians."
As The Hill's Jonathan Easley writes, Democratic donors stung by Hillary Clinton’s upset loss in the presidential race feel like they just set their money on fire.
The sore feelings are a huge problem for the Democratic National Committee (DNC), which is trying to rebuild its image and reinvigorate a defeated party in time for challenging midterm elections in 2018.Democratic investors went in on Clinton to the tune of more than $550 million, believing she would dispatch Trump, deliver Democrats the Senate and help the party make inroads into the GOP’s House majority. More:
It’s also a worry for top liberal activists as they prepare for war with President-elect Donald Trump and a GOP Congress that is hell-bent on rolling back President Obama’s accomplishments.
Adding insult to the injury: The names of many donors were released in the WikiLeaks hack of Democratic emails, believed to have come at the hands of Russian intelligence. It was a mortifying development that has rattled some of the party’s big-money men and women.