What you see here is a disgusting example of MSM journalistic hypocrisy. This is why MSM must be brought down.
This is why change is necessary if there's ever going to be any semblance of truth and hope for a civilized world and even a semi-free society. A more apt name for Hillary would have been an American Hoses as she tried to hose millions. Time is like many of its MSM brethren, on the way to the boneyard of journalism history, irrelevant to its core.
Damning with faint praise is their time-worn, trite MO. They're like the preacher preaching to the choir. But there are no more souls to be converted. Half the nation in an equally divided nation is onto your bullshit and biases. Without significant changes and an end to this PC bullshit madness,we all know what the next step is likely to be. The new levels of anger and fear preceded not followed Trump. And that's what these myopic know-it-alls masquerading as objective journalists backed by their elite, moneyed friends didn't want to see. The hour glass has be upended for a while now. Trump symbolizes the capstone, not the catalyst.
What a difference 4 months makes... From Meltdown to Total Meltdown to Man Of The Year...
As FoxNews notes however, while President-elect Donald Trump was named Time magazine's Person of the Year on Wednesday, the honor basically ended there.
The big question is, will TIME name Putin 'Man of the Year' in 2017?While describing Trump as the real change-maker of 2016, the magazine also ragged on the Republican president-elect as a “huckster” and “demagogue” while reserving its most glowing praise for runner-up Hillary Clinton -- whom the edition breathlessly described as “an American Moses.”
In describing Trump, Time's article almost exclusively used backhanded compliments. For instance, while the piece said he “did what no American politician had attempted in a generation,” it added that he “magnified the divisions of the present, inspiring new levels of anger and fear within his country.”
.... The article on Hillary Clinton is much different. Subtitled “The winner of the popular vote leaves a complicated legacy,” the tone is worlds away from the fulminating darkness that permeates the Trump piece.
The opening paragraph reads more like the prologue of St. John’s Gospel than an essay on a presidential runner-up, saying of Clinton: “she became a symbol in a fight that was about much more than symbolism."
"She’s the woman who was almost President, she is what might have been and what will yet be."
“Like an American Moses, she was an imperfect prophet, leading women to the edge of the Promised Land. Now it’s up to another woman to enter it.”