Thursday, April 24, 2014

We cannot operate our economy on renewables alone, in part, because the quantity is far too small. Creation of new renewables and maintenance of such renewables is also fossil fuel dependent.

 One of the best websites we know to get the real skinny on energy is where this chart is from. The mesmerizing media likes to deceive folks into thinking that given all the fracking, natural gas, LNG terminals being built and such we are a nation indivisible under boundless energy independence. Not so. And this makes no allowance for the anti-fracking freaks and all the other environmentalists parading around out there.

Still another media canard: We can easily transition to these cleaner, newer sources of energy. Last time anyone looked there are now seven billion souls on planet earth. And those are the ones we know about. Maybe over time you've been enamored with government counting techniques, but we haven't. The truth is nobody knows for sure how many of us there are anymore than any market guru knows for sure when the next economic tsunami will hit. Here's the link to the full read.

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