Bringing this guy down is long over due. He's an arrogant nobody who's been out of control for too long. If nothing else he's learning that PC is a two-way street, not one that just applies to white folk.
You like it, you live with it like the rest of us. On the overall cosmic scale just how important is his over-paid commentary on sports anyway? We don't know Mr. Smith and there is nothing personal here. We're just exercising our opinion as he did.
The real story here, sadly, isn't Mr. Smith. Dumb is as dumb does. His comments in another era would be innocuous and should be today if everyone weren't as thin skinned as a cheap roll of tissue paper at an airport restroom.
It's the lack of testosterone of ESPN executives. Anyone else would have been suspended. Competition in a semi-free market is great. And from what we read competition for ESPN is on the way, a good thing to be sure.
We don't think Mr. Smith should have been suspended for his comments. Nor do we think he should've had to go on national media and apologize. He said what he said. And we as a nation need to get over it. If ESPN didn't think he was competent they wouldn't over pay him and he wouldn't be there.
That's what semi-free markets are about, the right to hire and sink with unproductive, incompetent workers. And ESPN with all of its headiness ought to have that right just as the rest of us.
That's our view. We hope you know yours.
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