One appellate court in Washington says no. Another appellate court the same day in Virginia says yes.
That's not confusion. That's the big F word. No, we don't use profanity any more than we have to here. That's fractured as in broken, separated, non-union, difference of more than just an opinion.
The left has been pushing people in one direction for years. And the right is no better. Yet there's a whole cadre of people in the middle not because they are middle-of-the-roaders, but because they don't want to be pushed by anyone.
And that's the one thing this or any other government knows best--pushing. Putin pushes in the Ukraine and the U.S. pushes around the world.
Any and all talk about bipartisanship is pure BS and has been and there's no need to pretend otherwise any longer. America is a fractured nation, becoming more fractured daily. And it's healthy; it's healthy to get it out there. Let people say what's on the minds without fear of retribution or PC quarantining.
PC is BS without the tissue paper. Many are sick of the faux, overplayed, dramatic sensitivity that only trial lawyers and phony liberals love. It's right up there with the sickening religiosity of the right. In many ways there's not a dollar's worth of difference. We'd say dime but owing to inflation our Fed folks continue to lie to us about hardly anybody uses them any more.
For those of you who weren't conscious yet to catch the media's knee jerk reaction to the now deceased, discredited former Maryland Governor Sipro Agnew when he called MSM a bunch of nattering, nabobs, you don't understand how threatened these members of the phony Fourth Estate are.
Looney Hollywood Clooney recently went off on the tabloids, but someone should tell poor George not all of them are in the UK. More than a few masquerade here as the Washington Post, the New York Times and the Huff and Puff Post.
These are people who are not powerful; they're running scared. Their moat is being challenged by the Internet. The only people who need MSM today is MSM.
People are no longer fearful. They don't need interpretive reporting or back grounding the news, two archaic concepts left over from the days of the three dominant networks. Journalistic elitists take note: It's over. Be careful what you wish for because it might just be spelled Internet.
What's going on in China is proof positive. The government there can hardly control the masses. Forget jobs. Their biggest nightmare is the Internet. Look it up in Webster's under freedom.
And let's not forget our illustrious Congress. In the greatest age of electronic technology the planet has ever seen, why do these freeloaders need two homes to spend so much time in Washington, so all the greedy lobbyists can conveniently locate them in one place?
Taxpayers should demand they only meet for one week twice a year and the rest of the time they ought to work from their home state homes the way half the damn nation does. The taxpayers will pick up their hotel bills for the two weeks annually. Talk about cutting the budget deficit and saving taxpayers money.
If nothing else it might put a crimp on how many dudes and duchesses want to join that exclusive millionaire-makers club.
And what about these folks' bloated staffs? History suggests most kings didn't have 35 employees on the payroll. Nearly all the televised speeches these poseurs make are to an empty chamber where they can stand behind a podium in their designer jeans, suit coat, white shirt and tie before rushing off to watch the kids play soccer before dinner.
There's an old joke, clearly not PC today, where one guy says to his buddy after some discussion: "If you had a brain you'd be dangerous." Today that describes America's foreign policy. Brainless and dangerous. Standing empty handed and tip-toed on the bottom just to try to touch the top.
But there is more than enough blame to go around, the masses and their incessant need for their load of nepenthe from sports, TMZ and social media to all those as yet undiscovered plagiarists who stroll the halls of Capitol Hill.
Skip plaques dedicated to notable athletes. They mostly do their deeds in public. Somewhere there should be one, an honor roll of plagiarists, with names like Biden, Kearns Goodwin, Walsh and Kennedy. Yes, that Kennedy, so-called author of best selling Profiles in Courage.
See Ted Sorensen 2008, two years before Kennedy's speech writer and close confidant died, he publicly admitted writing much of the Pulitzer prize winning book for which Kennedy took full credit and later paid him a handsome chunk of change for his efforts.
This is a nation fractured at its core and all the king's horses and all the king's men, editorial writers included, can no longer BS their way around it.
That's our view. We hope you know yours.
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