Friday, August 15, 2014


If all those anti-pipeline protestors in Boston don't want natural gas, folks in Texas sure do.

The Texas region will turn almost exclusively to natural gas to meet the growth in demand for     electricity over the next 25 years, according to a government analysis.

Natural gas is Texas’ most widely used fuel for electricity generation now, though coal is a close second. Nuclear power and renewables — mostly wind — generate far less than either of the fossil fuels, according to numbers crunched by the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

The balance of power will shift even further  through 2040 as gas-fired generation rises by 81 million megawatt hours and accounts for most of the growth in the Texas Reliability Entity — a federally approved electricity monitoring region  that includes most of the Texas grid.

Other forms of power generation are expected to remain virtually flat through 2040, according to the report.

Natural gas-fueled electricity will begin become significantly more common than coal generation after 2016, as cheap sources of gas from the Permian Basin and Eagle Ford shales, coupled with the relatively high cost of building new coal plants, make gas a more attractive option. 

The region’s electricity demand is expected to grow by 0.9 percent each year, according to the Energy Information Administration, an Energy Department agency.

A story in one of the scribes today pointed out that China is "believed to hold the world's largest recoverable shale resources..." It goes on to say the "suggestion that the world is anywhere close to being independent of oil (hydrocarbons) is ridiculous. It's going to be a long while before we are all driving Teslas or BMW i8s."

This is just one of many issues that divide this a nation, something we believe is extremely healthy, notwithstanding all the MSM blabber.The former administration divided this nation deeply, a state many feel that has only been exceeded by the current Washington crowd.

If, for example, this administration's foreign policy waffled anymore it's be on the menu at IHop

Again, we say this is healthy, transparent; people need to know who their enemies are. Bring it out in the open. If the good people of Boston don't want more pipelines, we say great. Forget cake. Let them freeze; they have a right to make that choice. 

They have a right to follow their elected inept leaders. This is not endemic to the U.S. Look around the world today and find a continent where there's no fighting going on. 

And what's happening in Missouri is another example. It's not about what MSM would have you believe, race. It's about human beings and turning your local police departments into military units. We'd say quasi-military, but that would be gilding the damn lily.

Someone posted a picture on the Internet of a Gulf War veteran in his military garb next to a local police department swat team member with the caption that pointed out the swat guy had more armor on than a US soldier at war. If that sounds normal to you, perhaps you need to move to Missouri.

It's time. It's push back time against all this phony political correctness that's been dogging this nation for the last generation or so. People are up to their uvulas with it all and it has nothing to do with all the MSM lies about race, religion and the like.

It's about the interminable regulations that have decimated the middle class and now threaten worse.

It's decision time. And you're going to have to decide. The late JFK was fond of quoting Dante and his passage about hell's hottest places being preserved for those who keep their neutrality during a crisis.

Phony attempts to rule this country via abusive executive, judicial or legislative powers is over as soon as you decide to declare it over.

That's our view. We hope you know yours.


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