Thursday, August 14, 2014


The news is out, all over town. You've been seen running around.

Those words from an old Jerry Lee Lewis song, without much imagination, easily apply to the European Union mess.

The news is out all over Euro town and the ECB bureaucrats along with their illustrious leader, Mario the Dragster Draghi, have been caught stalling around.

Forget Godot or Abernomics, folks in the EU are waiting for Mr. Draghi and his lumbering crew of central bankers to QE things back to normal, whatever that is. 

Forget too the Call of the Wild; this is a call for Keynesian money printing in the modern-day wild and wooly world of central banking's version of:  If it's broke we can't fix it. But we can paper it over so the rough edges won't show until the next time.

It's those rough edges that political plasters like Renzi and Hollande never want to fix, just toss a little economic plaster over the cracks and keep moving before everybody gets their bifocals adjusted.

If today's numbers about France and the German 10-year bund yield are any indication, patience is growing short. The yield on the German benchmark bund dropped below 1% and France's economic growth pulled an apparent Houdini, disappearing without ever putting in an appearance.

Question: Contraction is to stagnation as?

Answer: Germany is to France.

There's one thing you can bet on. There's going to be some money made here. 
t. man hatter

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