Saturday, August 30, 2014

TRAVELING THE WEB we travel around the web we look for interesting stuff we think our readers would enjoy. A lot of it catches our interest, but obviously we can't present it all. And then there's that arbitrary thing called taste or interest or, as some might more correctly call it, bias.

We like to try to read both sides of an issue. We should probably say 20 sides given how divided people are today. To be sure, the Web's an interesting place. There's lots of not so good stuff and plenty of smart people who, to the chagrin of MSM, now have a platform to express their views.

The MSM monopoly is over. As a tool of freedom the Web is probably unparalleled. Read it and decide for yourself. Just look at China, Russia and, yes, your United States of America with its ever-encroaching surveillance of its citizens to understand how big a threat Al Gore's discovery is. 

Myths get created more for a reason than by chance. 

With that idea in mind we post this story about Japan and the US, contrary to what MSM has promulgated for years, running parallel economic courses for longer than any lost decade. Just to be clear, we include much of what spews forth from Wall Street's propaganda machine in our definition of MSM.
t. man hatter



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