George Soros is a very dangerous man. A meddler in national and local elections, using his millions to push his globalist agenda,. He is a serious threat to individual liberty and freedom.
Billionaire investor George Soros pledged on Tuesday to invest up to $500 million in programs and companies benefiting migrants and refugees fleeing life-threatening situations.
Announced against the backdrop of an ongoing United Nations (U.N.) summit in New York, Soros explained that he wished to harness the power of the private sector for public good.
The life-threatening situations there is a cover up, a carnard for his real, behind the scenes manipulation and agenda. That should read: for public enslavement not for good. He wants to harness power all right, but not the kind that has your interest at heart, especially if you oppose him. Soros is a friend of GMOs; he is a friend of everything that disdains and discredits localism. His money is dirty and all those who accept it are likewise dirty. Mr. Soros is a octogenarian, but that's no excuse. Like everyone else, he needs to be accountable for his acts against humanity.
The increasing number of asylum seekers from those war-torn nations has sparked political debate in Europe and the U.S. over where the refugees should be resettled. The issue has been clouded by economic migration, with large numbers of people reportedly seeking entrance to developed nations in the hope of better prospects as global growth slows.
Here is another big lie. Many of these refugees are not from war-torn countries. But look no further and you will fine the footprint of another globalists organization your tax dollars are supporting, the UN.
Here is another big lie. Many of these refugees are not from war-torn countries. But look no further and you will fine the footprint of another globalists organization your tax dollars are supporting, the UN.
The Open Society Foundations (OSF), a non-profit organization owned by Soros, will be in charge of the funds, the statement said. Any profits from the investments would go to the OSF's migrant and refugee-related programs, which include community centers in Greece and initiatives to provide Syrian refugees with legal advice.
"Refugees need access to financial and legal services, education, and employment opportunities; we believe the private sector is uniquely placed to help build the infrastructure needed to support these services," the U.N.'s High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi said of the Soros investment.