Friday, April 5, 2013


A friend likes to say he'd rather be smart than lucky.

He also told me for a long time many of his friends believed it was just a cute play on the old saying, It's better to be lucky than good.

Lady Luck my friend says is at best fickle. She's a lot like my old girlfriend. I never knew when she was going to show up or suddenly depart. 
Knowledge is like a library or the Internet. It's all there you just have bring your own container.

But what it really gets down to is something the late Peter Drucker wrote about in the 1990s in Post Capitalist Society. The essence of Drucker's message, and something he wrote and talked about, long before the computer age, is a society shaped and altered by information.

Knowledge in Drucker's view is more significant than capital. It's a society with two kinds of workers, those who provide services and those who provide knowledge.

Knowledge providers are clearly the more important of the two because they're the idea people. You don't need capital to create ideas. 

And once created finding people to fund them will happen and it will happen without the traditional lenders of the great industrial period, banks and other lending institutions.

Much of that has been happening for a few years now in places like the Silicon Valley and venture capital groups. There's even a popular television program, Shark Tank, centered on this exact premise.

To Drucker knowledge is the foundation of wealth.

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