Tuesday, April 16, 2013


"As a result, people are getting increasingly creative at skirting controls."

The above quote could be a segue into a discussion about tax evasion or tax avoidance, only one of which many seemingly forget is illegal--evasion. 

It's a story from today's WSJ about what happens when bureaucrats debase a currency and the people lose faith in their government. It's a story for those who believe it can never or won't ever happen here. See Boston marathon. 

It's a story for the most part being crowded out by other, seemingly more pressing events. It's a story about Argentina, a nation more than a little familiar with inflation, currency messes and incompetent governments. See history.

It's also a story about government statistical legerdemain every government in existence has and will continue to practice until people stand up to them. See inflation rate.


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