"When everyone is thinking the same thing nobody is thinking."
That insightful gem was tossed out by General Dwight D. Eisenhower who led the Normandy invasion across a stormy Atlantic when nobody thought it was possible, when conventional thinking recommended waiting until the skies cleared. Later when he became the 42nd president, he gave us another gem. This time about following through.
As a former five star General and Commander in Chief, he was use to giving orders and he was even more use to seeing those orders carried out. After being in office awhile he quipped how much it surprised him hardly anyone in Washington carried out their orders. That was more than half a century ago.
If you think about a slightly expanded definition of orders you'll see that's what elections are suppose to be about, elections include every level, local, state and federal. In this case the orders of the people, like them or lump them. There are primarily three candidates vying in the upcoming November election. If you took the promises and themes of all of them only a third, if you're lucky, will turn out to be honest. And most likely fewer than half of them will ever see the light of action.
Politics gets passed off as the art of compromise. That's old-time BS purer than new born baby poop. The people don't take orders; they give them. It's called elections. What's going on now isn't new. In fact, it's old, really old and tiring. It goes by another name, Democrats and Republicans, the two-party system that's as socially insolvent as most Italian banks are financially. And it will never stop unless you stop it. If you're too lazy or indifferent, then forget about your dreams and aspirations, and those of your offspring too, just get in line to collect your chit and spend it every week at the company store.
Another way in our view of saying it, is when everyone is doing the same thing nobody is doing anything. Think central banks here and a host of others like pitiful management. Names like Puerto Rico, Detroit, Chicago, Atlantic City, Stockton, San Bernardino, to cite just a micro list.
It's in the genetic code of politicians and managers. They get hooked on streams of cash flow they think extend into perpetuity. Or at least until they've ridden into the sunset. They never see or don't want to see the huge hangover coming after the wild partying. Big corporations and whole market sectors like banking and energy and real estate should come to mind. And let's not forget one of the biggest of the Big Daddies, big pharmaceuticals. People rant and rail about corporatism, but the biggest corporation is global government.
The U.S. manufactures more MBAs a year than it does industrial products. It's its own industry. This nation for most of its existence has been run by those with Ivy League pedigrees. To put it kindly, their track record has been less than sterling. It won't stop unless you stop it. Goldman Sachs' new found interest in the proletariat is a case in point. If you see a Goldman Sachs employee approaching walking down the street, you'd be wise to cross over to the other side.
Recognize that globalization is your ticket to the company store. First a one-currency world then a cashless one. Every movement has a hidden meme or two. Convenience and justice are the public ones for a cashless society. More centralized control and less liberty the hidden ones. It won't stop unless you stop it.
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