In America there's supposed to be something called anti-trust laws. In fact, a fellow named Teddy Roosevelt enjoyed some fame so they say from such.
Now who gets to define the term is another matter. But we will get to that later. When it comes to Western media in the U.S. it turns out there are fewer than six big owners. Western media is a surrogate for globalization. They like it, they hawk it, they want it. And they most likely will stop at little to get it.
We've been saying for a while now Trump will win. That there are hordes of people out there feeling deeply disenfranchised who are too smart to reveal to pollsters or risk blurting it out at some spring soirée whom they're going to vote for. They will express their choice in the privacy of the voting booths. All pollsters, exit or otherwise, be damned.
We also believe the heavy baggage Hilary is increasingly carrying goes far beyond that around her eyes. Her recent ploy to appoint Bill in charge of revamping the economy is a case in point. Billy boy has some big baggage of his own. This is status quo at its worst.
You can try to claim you're not an insider on the one hand and tout as one of your strengths your experience there on the other. That might have worked in the past, but most likely not this time around. But there is more, much more.
Hilary might not even be the Democrat candidate. We are not alone in sensing the apparently growing concern among leftists about her weaknesses, i.e, her elect-ability. Here is a recent piece from The Daily Bell. Draw your own conclusions. Bill personally flaunted campaign laws by showing up at polls. And we personally know of a case where someone was seriously prosecuted for it, for doing much less than he did.
Despite what MSM portrays, in today's scene these incidents are not lost on voters who are fed up with the status quo and the Goldman Sachs of the globe.
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