After all, it isn’t the job of the media to be accurate. It’s the job of the media to get ratings, and it usually does that by telling a story.
The above quote is from Brett Arends
We don't know Arends. But we know a thing or two about BP. We own it. So there. That's our disclosure. We have owned it since the first few weeks of the announced Gulf spill. Though our entry price was not the bottom it was much lower than today's price.
Then we purchased some more. The dividend got cut then restored. We bought more. We also know a thing or two about MSM. And Arends' statement is one of those that make the crooked places straight. Accuracy is not primary in the MSM world.
When one is little kid one's parents usually warn about telling stories. But it's a lesson the little kids of big media never learned, a truth tattoo that never took. We've said it before and we'll say it again: Without villains, there's no need for heroes.
Sure BP still faces some headwinds with legal matters. But just like the U.S. government going after all these so-called banking miscreants, at some point enough is enough.
And we're close for this round of official stick-ups. You hear much talk these days about risk on, risk off. Think cycle on, cycle off.
There are always lots of caveats.That's why you do your homework. Cash in your short-term view of the energy sector and adopt a more mid-term one if you want to make some serious money. The BP drama is in particular overdone as is in general the sector.
Buy right and sit tight.
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