Sunday, May 22, 2016


 Is it really obscene to note that there have been several attempts either to knit Europe together or establish hegemonic domination by one country? Is it obscene to point out that whether violent, peaceful or idealistic, every attempt ended in failure because an entire continent is too complex to lend itself to seamless integration? And would one brand as an obscenity the observation that the EU is currently over-centralised, inflexible and causing misery for some of its members? We think these problems should be articulated and discussed without fear

The above quote from an editorial piece in today's UK Telegraph, though many will try to deny it, is most relevant to the up-coming U.S. presidential election for more reasons than one can cover here. Nevertheless, the parallelisms are there.

Is it really obscene that the status quo of government in the U.S. has harmed, in many cases callously, innocent people whose only possible transgression is the desire to live out their gift of life in their own way without harming anyone else? Is it really obscene to point out the corruption and lack of honesty in Washington and on Wall Street and in MSM?

Is it really obscene to point out the baggage, much of it well documented, these candidates are carrying in their quest for public office? Is it really obscene to note one of them is a self-professed, public announced socialist who spent his honeymoon in the Soviet Union? Is it really obscene to note that these two, tired, trite, tedious bankrupt parties have been running the show for years and this is where we are today? Is it really obscene to point out that super-delegates chosen by insiders get to determine a candidate's fate in either of these two phony parties that mouth reams of verbiage about democracy and open elections.

This is the best that America can offer?

The parallelisms between the EU and the U.S. in the above quote are more than appropriate--over-centralized, hegemonic, debt-ridden, in-tolerant, inflexible, misery-provoking, sovereignty-disrespecting and secretive.

Whether you're in the UK or the U.S. this is your election year. We are not telling anyone how to vote. Either individually or collectively, this is your future your voting. Once these bureaucrats, politicians and elitists get these elections safely behind them, you can expect something big. They say preparing to prepare is half of any struggle.

Believing that all these central bankers can print all this fake money out of thin air without any serious consequences will qualify you for a seat at next January's meetings in Davos. Maybe one of the topic there will be who gets to define obscene, them or you?

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