Thursday, May 26, 2016


Elizabeth Warren is a strange animal, an officer of the court with some apparent strange views.

The liberal Massachusetts Senator now apparently wants to make buying property on the cheap a cardinal offense. We seem to recall a former Democrat Senator from Connecticut who refinanced his home with Countrywide Mortgage on the cheap. Countrywide you might recall was deeply involved in the subprime mess. Their CEO, Angelo Mozilo, was later described "In the documentary film Inside Job Mozilo is cited as one of the persons responsible for the Economic Meltdown of 2008 and named in Time Magazine as one of the "25 People to Blame for the Financial Crisis". Condé Nast Portfolio ranked Mozilo second on their list of "Worst American CEOs of All Time".[21]

Did she get into Harvard on the cheap when she checked that box claiming she was a minority?
Seats at Harvard as we understand it are pretty precious, hard to come by. She claims in her book she just took the word of her parents. For someone as inquisitive as she appears to be, Harvard Law School graduate and all, that seems a rather flip answer. Did she never wonder enough to verify it?

But we now have testing available to see if she indeed has any American Indian blood coursing through her political agenda veins. Did she take a true minority's seat on the cheap? Did someone suffer from her possible callousness? Is she a seat grubber? Since Ms Warren invoked the name Dodd in her criticism of Mr. Trump, here's quote from Wikipedia.

The Countrywide financial political loan scandal in 2008-2009 involved U.S. politicians who allegedly received favorable mortgage rates.
In June 2008 Conde Nast Portfolio reported that numerous Washington, DC politicians over recent years had received mortgage financing at noncompetitive rates at Countrywide Financial because the corporation placed the officeholders in a program called "FOA's"--"Friends of Angelo", Countrywide's Chief Executive Angelo Mozilo. The politicians extended such favorable financing included the chairman of the Senate Banking Committee,Christopher Dodd (D-CT), and the chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, Kent Conrad (D-ND). The article also noted Countrywide's political action committee had made large donations to Dodd's campaign.[1] The largest recipient of campaign contributions from Countrywide, though, was Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA), House Financial Services Committee), who has received $37,500 since 1989. [2] Dodd has advocated that the federal government, through the Federal Housing Administration, insure up to $300 billion in refinanced mortgages for distressed homeowners.[3]

Franklin Raines, then Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Fannie Mae, on July 31, 2002
It was reported by the Wall Street Journal on 6 June 2008 that 2 former CEOs of Fannie Mae, Franklin Raines and James A. Johnson, who was also an adviser to then-Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama, had received loans from Countrywide.[4] On July 16, 2008, The Washington Post reported that Franklin Raines had "taken calls from Barack Obama's presidential campaign seeking his advice on mortgage and housing policy matters."[5] However, Raines and the Obama campaign both allege that Raines has never advised Obama.[6] See Raines and Obama.
Are favorable mortgage rates synonymous with "on the cheap?" 
The good Senator then calls Trump out: “Donald Trump is worried about helping poor little Wall Street? Let me find the world’s smallest violin,” she said. She later added: “Can Donald Trump even name three things that Dodd-Frank does?” 

One would think Ms Warren, being a lawyer, might be interested in facts. Here's a fact, a known one, a published one. Hillary Clinton received more money from Wall Street than both of the other current presidential candidates together. Just ask Bernie. 

And here's list from CBS of some others during that time who received loans from Countrywide:
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi's son Paul Pelosi, Jr. also received a loan with Countrywide. Barbara Boxer, Adam H. Putnam, Richard C. Holbrooke, James E. Clyburn, and Donna Shalala are among those with mortgages from Countrywide. CBS News has obtained the following list of then-Fannie Mae employees whose names have been turned over to investigators as having received VIP loans from Countrywide:[19]

Even if Ms Warren's charges are true, apparently he's not the only prominent person who likes to make money on the cheap. Meanwhile, we don't know about Trump, but we can name three things Dodd-Frank does: nothing good, nothing good, nothing good. 

Now, Senator Warren, about that blood test.....?

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