Wednesday, May 11, 2016


It's only a fiat-paper moon floating over a fiat-paper sea; if you think this isn't make believe, shame on you and me.

This is and has been an analysis-paralysis based Fed from the beginning. And all the King's horses and all the King's men and women in MSM are not going to change it.

The constant puttering with what are only disappointing job numbers recently tells you that. There is more media fudging going on about these numbers than in a fudge factory which, come to think of it, is a good description for this leaderless Fed.

This is a Fed desperately looking for some figure that will give then a clear enough--whatever that translate into--sign that will allow them to hike rates and get much of their self-inflicted heat focused elsewhere.

The Fed's delay has for the most part pulled the green curtain back and revealed a bunch of bureaucrats for what they are, indecisive economic data wonks without a clue. If these data slaves don't know by now, you can bet when they claim they do know, it should more than worry you. Think hard hats here.

The artificially kept low interest rates are a form of rent control. Once they come off you can expect to see some unexpected damage to your buying power. That's just one of the reasons you're seeing some billionaires who lived and prospered mightily most of their careers in the equity trenches come out with statements about gold. Gold is the fiat-paper-pushers worst enemy.

It's only a fiat-paper moon floating over a fiat-paper sea; if you think this isn't make believe, shame on you and me.

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