The Gross saga continues.
"It is fair to ask how long 70-year old Gross will stay at it," one newspaper today printed, clearly an age question and not on the face of it really all that appropriate despite what some might say.
Any longtime readers of the respectable business journal Barron's know that publication over the years has written numerous articles about successful investors much older than Gross still running money, either their own or others or both.
People are living longer today and they are staying functional longer. If that's not true than MSM needs to short circuit much of its popular, personal information sections. They're just hypocritical tripe otherwise.
There are exceptions to every rule, i before e except after c. From what we read and MSM loves to publish in the business news is many studies showing that employers welcome older workers because of their reliability and their work ethic. It's also been written in many of these studies that the older crowd happen to know a thing or two.
As we previously noted in our "We Like The Odds" post, this guy deserves a shot if for no other reason than his past performance. America is a country that prides itself on comeback stories. Before you toss this guy to the investment scrapheap of history, ask yourself this question:
"How many of you have not at one time or another temporarily lost or misplaced your mojo?"
Now to meet fair disclosure, we never had any money invested with Pimco while Gross ran the big show and we have yet to put any with him now, though we are considering it not only for our own but our client accounts.
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