We've written before about Hong Kong before all the recent discord broke out, the rise of populism in Europe and the disgruntlement among many Americans who favor their states succeeding from the good ole U.S.
The upcoming election in the U.S. notwithstanding, who carries the Senate will not change anything.
The recent trend of what MSM is calling "trackers," people on the left and right who carry cameras with them and attend events where their opponents are appearing to film and record every word is taking a page from community organizations who film police during disturbances.
In other words, trackers are a political offshoot of Cop Watchers, while the former are new, the latter have been at it for a while. America Rising is the name of one Republican tracking group, American Bridge, founded by billionaire George Soros, the largest Democrat tracking outfit traces its origin to 2010.
If this sounds a bit childish to you, you probably don't recognize just how divided and decadent this nation has become. In Europe Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi recently sided with France in their objection to the EU's rules governing public finance.
Renzi didn't stop there. He poked fun at German Chancellor Angela Merkle in particular and the German people in general for their lockstep allegiance to fiscal probity, calling for Brussels and Berlin to go lighter on austerity and heavier on compassion.
Meanwhile, Renzi's Rome announced its own forecast, projecting a 0.3 percent contraction in GDP for 2014 followed by a stunning turn around to 0.6 percent next year that should excite the folks.
The Scottish No-vote that barely carried the day, much of it owing to rank scaremongering and the Catalonia situation that Spain is doing its best to block are hardly dead in the water, especially if the ECB can't pull the EU out of its economic dregs sooner rather than later.
The point is simple: The longer things stay this way, the more disenchantment will grow. We already have a Misery Index. Why not a Disenchantment Index?
Here's an interesting read that touches on some of these issues.
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