Well, they're at it again, the closet and non-closet globalists. The latest is former Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summer's call for a global mothballing of large currency notes, in this case the $100 bill.
Not so long ago under a similar guise, the stopped issuing larger notes like the $500 and so forth. The results like a bad election are in: it didn't make a dent in stopping the illegal actions and for one basic reason, though there are many others, human ingenuity.
The motive is always the same shopworn one, to protect us and get those awful bad guys. Funny thing is the bad guys, the real bad guys, the regulators and politicians, never go to jail for their pathetic, egregious errors and crimes against us, the people. One could make a great case for prosecuting members of the FOMC for their crimes against retirees and the elderly fixed-income crowd with their pitiful ZIRP policies.
This isn't about bad guys at all; it's about your freedom of choice, your individual sovereignty. This is just another not-so-subtle step in the drive to create a cashless global society. If the people of this nation continue their lemming-like ignorance for finding out what's stake here, they will well deserve the consequences.
Meanwhile, for more on the subject, here's post from zerohedge.com/news/2016-02-16/capital-controls-hayek-versus-imf. Fail to read it at your own pocketbook freedom and personal peril.
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