Sending U.S.special forces into Syria is a colossal mistake by an administration noted for making colossal mistakes.
It will be a few years before those famous history revisionists get their hands on the history books, but by then most of you will know the truth and not be hoodwinked.
The current Syrian situation is one this administration yawned it usually indecisive yawn about a while back. Using the cover of the Paris tragedy, once again an administration that campaigned on bringing overseas American troops home and criticized a previous administration for it incompetent foreign policy in now trying to CYA.
That the American populace has tolerated such foreign policy incompetence, and that includes Benghazi where innocent Americans lost their lives, not just with this pitiful administration but several previous ones, is the real mystery here. It's a mystery that continues to be shrouded by MSM and their shills for Washington.
If the pen is indeed mightier than the sword, pick up yours and let your elected incompetents in Washington know exactly how you feel.
After all, 2016 is suppose to be what they call an election year. That's our view. We hope you know yours.
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