Political asylum has become a political joke. Anyone with a warm pulse qualifies for political asylum these days. One doesn't even have to make up a good tale. It would be instructive to know how many jihadist are enjoying residence in the U.S. now owing to government granted political asylum.
Does anyone know? Does anyone really think the government knows?
Two people we think this question should promptly be put to is California Governor Brown and the current White House occupant. One of the few legitimate roles of government is to protect its citizens. That means the people who are already here.
Allowing 10,000 Syrian refuges into the U.S. is not only opening the door to trouble, it an in-your-face insult to all the innocent men, women and children already in this country. Where will the good governor and the White House occupant be when on some distant day if some of those innocents lay in the streets shrouded in coroner bags?
Will they appear on television giving another meaningless speech sprinkled with their insincere deepest condolences to the bereaved family members? The decisions of these and others like them have the power to affect millions of innocent lives, many of whom most likely will never even have heard of Syria.
Who is going it to be: You or me or your neighbor just because we decide to go to a certain market on a certain day or attend a sporting event on a certain weekend? There is an old saying that physicians bury their mistakes. Less you think otherwise, the same holds true for politicians.
We could cite a legion of historical examples, but we'll spare you the onslaught. If you trust politicians, right, left or otherwise, to keep you and yours absolutely safe, then pay no mind. Voice no opinion. Just gently put your hands in your pockets and quietly amble off into the good evening, maybe down the street to your favorite market or to a sporting event come the weekend.
Here's a dose of math reality. The EU let
in a million refugees, if just 1/10 of 1% of them are terrorists, that's
1,000 terrorists the EU has to deal with.
Do either of these faces look like those of someone you want to trust with your lives or those of your children?
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