If investors have a speck of contrariness in their beings, they should take a look at big oil stocks in particular and energy in general.
Sure investment firms and nearly everyone else are sounding the gong of cheap oil and increasing prospects of even cheaper crude on the horizon. And there is also those alternative energy options market savants and climate change fascists keep talking about. No doubt sooner or later some of those will have some impact. But that is then and this is now.
And then there is reality. The world is quite unstable. And rightfully so. There is a deeply ingrain ugliness afoot and it's not just in the Middle East. Frustration abounds. Despite all the do-good phony political palaver and convoluted, ridiculous legislation, with its endless red tape, it's getting more so. The all-too tragic recent Paris event will strike louder, more strident calls for even bigger hurdles against continued open borders and mass immigration. And rightfully so.
Open borders has been an abject failure. Restoring border integrity is a move toward preserving national sovereignty. Something the elites deplore. Further, it's a move toward respecting and honoring cultural differences. Open borders along with globalization is one of those unintended consequences that seemed like a good idea at the time.
Globalization was never about free markets. It's about more centralization, less individual liberty wrapped in bountiful bureaucratic promises from a ruling elite. And that's the paradox. In the days of kings the masses were known as subjects. The popular con term today is citizens. It's designed to make you believe you have a voice. You do not.
Frustration grows. Central bankers around the globe who are more economic astrologers than people with real knowledge and know how. If you're placing you're lives in the clutches of these bureaucratic puppets, we hope you stock pile your benzodiazepine supplies before they are proscribed entirely. England's Mr. Carney and his recent diatribe about the dangers of global warming--towing to the party line of half-truths and twisted facts--is a case in point should you need one.
There is a growing distrust among even younger people about politicians and MSM in general; about the phony, agenda-driven fanaticism surrounding climate change with its scaremongering zealots who seek to silence any and all critics. Stick your head somewhere on these issues were the sun never shines and you'll most likely live to regret it.
Take a look at the issues dividing the two U.S. political parties in the upcoming circus called a free nation presidential election. Part of the outcome will rest on which party can truck in more illegal immigrants to vote not once or twice but three of four times, an electoral practice the good souls of Chicago are quite familiar with.
Take a look at both party's candidates. There's more bankruptcies there than one would find at a Chapter 11 hearing in a month. The fact that these candidates are even remotely what the best that America has to offer should frighten you more than a Freddy Kreuger movie. It tells you just how bankrupt the nation is. You have a do-nothing, fence-straddling, lame-duck leader who was handpicked to set an historical precedence. Well, that precedent has been met. Time to move on.
The globe is quite unsafe. Frustration continues to fester. Energy is still the name of the global game.
That's our view. We hope you know yours.
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