Next week is a busy one if you're a central banker. Minneapolis Fed President Neel Kashkari kicks off the week jawboning it at a town hall meeting on "too big to fail," as if we need more discussion on that. Boston Fed President Eric Rosengren discusses cyber security and financial stability. We didn't know central bankers were "hacking" experts. What a surprise.
Tuesday, Chicago Fed President Charles Evans enlightens us on current economic conditions and monetary policy from old Hong Kong. Seems like a far piece to go, but maybe it was his turn to reap the Hong Kong perk. The same day Magic Man ECB President Mario Draghi reveals all about Europe's economic and financial situation.
On Wednesday, Cleveland Fed President Loretta Mester describes the U.S. and it's regional and economic outlook. Cleveland has one? But you have to hold your breathe until Thursday when the big guns--past and present--capture the cynosure with Janet Yellen, her comrade and predecessor, Ben Bernanke, Alan Greenspan and Paul Volcker on the marquee in New York. Not to be outdone, Thursday the IMF releases it analytical mumbo jumble on World Economic Outlook. Kansas City Fed President Ester George wraps up the week Friday speaking about--get this--the economy.
Being a bureaucrat seems to be a pretty good gig if one can get it. But at this level it's a perk-laden privilege. Tax payers might want to start asking what they're getting for their bucks with these folks.
Just to pile on the already mountains of economic data for the week, the ISM non manufacturing index for March is set for public consumption Tuesday. The Senate-Banking committee views the effects of consumer-finance regulations. Wednesday, Christine Legarde of IMF fame talks at the Women in the World Summit. Who'd a even thought there were actual women in the world. When did that happen? Thursday, those all-life changing jobless claims the Yellen crowd pay so much heed to are out. Factory orders for February are set for Monday. Tuesday it's international trade. And Wednesday those coveted minutes from the Fed's last meeting get released.
So all in all, it's a full week of reporting what many already know.
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