People who write about the prospect of bad news are usually about as welcome as bad news at a wedding celebration.
And when a GOP card carrying WSJ columnist ends her long lament about the Trump train's traction with voters by referring to "these two great parties," you know the political seas are getting rough in political paradise.
The only thing great about these two political parties is how long they've managed to bamboozle a Rip Van Winkle public trying to carve its way into what was always an uphill and now nearly impossible struggle to find their place in the middle class. Some incorrectly call this the inequality gap.That's a huge misnomer. In truth, it's a pogrom.
Getting to the middle class was an accomplishment. It gave people a sense of belonging and direction. It was about improving the breed. If not them, maybe their children could go even higher. There was a gap alright, but one middle class people knew about, even upper middle class ones, and they knew how to deal with it.
Once you wipe them out, however, cut off all possibilities of working your way there, it's over and you have what's left now, a chasm not a gap. The number of immigrants who came here, many poorer than church rodents, worked hard to reach that middle class status and nearly everyone one of them earned it. That's people. You're always going to have members of the shortcut crowd, too. That's people.
They often wind up on Wall Street or as bureaucrats in political positions seeking political power so they can tell the rest us how we should live and carry ourselves. They have names, too. Republicans and Democrats, demagogues,tyrants and elitists, members of the self-perpetuating two party system that Journal writer so nostalgically adores and wants to preserve. She, too, is an elitist, perched on her self-serving but condescending editorial throne, ever ready to tell the rest of us how we should tie our shoes every morning.
She knows what's best. And that's these two "great parties" that have not served more than 10 percent of the people for decades. These two great self-perpetuating parties that in reality are part of the so-called one percent. Show us a Congress person who been there more than two terms and we'll show you someone out of touch and rich.
The real truth is they're the same. A long time ago a guy once noted there's not a dimes worth of difference. Well, there's is. Notwithstanding what central bankers want to tell you, there's been inflation, a lot of it. Nobody wants a dime these days.That's the only difference. They need that and much more just to exist.
The Trumpster man, hate him or otherwise, stated when he got out of the the University of Pennsylvania's School of Finance in 1968, he was worth $200,000. Whether it was daddy's money or not isn't the point. Someone bothered to calculated that out a few years back and it was worth well over $1,200,000 in today's dollars.That's what your central bankers and bureaucrats and so-called elected officials have done for you.
Some call it purchasing power and the loss thereof. That's a kind term. Broad daylight stick-up of the people is a more accurate one.
Toss in the relentless stealth taxing and smothering regulations in 50 different ways of that-dream-to-make-it-to the middle class crowd and you're ready for the official requiem that never got held. That's what the two-party system that feels that garrote tightening around its status quo gullet is shaking in their Armani suits about. That's what these "two great parties" with their military-industrial complex and wasteful social program schemes have created for you.
Their indifference to the once respectable goal of becoming middle class has been exceeded only by their arrogance and contempt. They love their place at an already over crowded public trough. What they despise, however, is your trying to get yours.
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