Saturday, October 8, 2016

Long Memory

The media cat is out of the bag. This is an electronic attempted lynching of the kind MSM tried several years ago. You see descriptions like "shocking revelation" and  such to foretell a 2005 event that occurred in private. Not cool wherever it occurred. But Trump's "dirty talk versus Hillary's corruption" is an action versus words deed.

Shocking in that someone whose husband did (actions) far worse to women than Trump's vile talk  and was openly and truculently defended  by a woman who has a long, proven history of calling the kettle black when it serves her cause. But what is really shocking is the massive sellout by what many once believed were honest, truthful organizations and institutions in Western society to force a person who belongs in prison on the nation.

However this ends, it will not end well. Many Americans will have a long, long memory on this one.


Day-by-day, week-by-week, month-by-month, millions of Americans watch the political and media process unfolding around them with growing astonishment. The nation itself likely will not recover from this spectacle, nor is it supposed to in our view. No matter who wins the election, underlying elite goals have likely been accomplished.
Interestingly, as we were approaching deadline, we noticed an article in the American Thinker, entitled “Trump’s dirty talk versus Hillary’s corruption.” This report made some of the points we’ve made above. In fact, the writer observes, “I have never seen a media so in the tank. The media show every day their bias by what they report, how they report, and especially what they choose not to report. Our freedoms are in danger.”
This is a true and acute observation. We’d only re-emphasize that the destruction of freedom is a deliberate one, not meant to be hidden anymore. As a result, millions now believe neither in “America,” nor its mainstream news or political process.
Conclusion: This is part of a larger destruction of Western culture and values and it is ongoing. What’s taking place is not happenstance, not in Europe, nor in the US. Freedom is being destroyed, but in a deliberate manner, to send a message and increase polarization. Many currents are swirling beneath the surface that make this presidential campaign an epochal one.

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