Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Other Voices

Sometimes other voices remain just that, never heard by most people.

You can cite all the psychological babble you want, but human behavior in many ways remains an other voice. The more it's gets studied the less predictable it becomes. In our view, the Trump traction is an other voice, not necessarily correct but not necessarily incorrect either, just an inflection point nobody really wants to believe or hear, if for the simple reason this has been going on for so long.

The deflation cycle has been going on for a long time too. Long enough to convince the guru crowd it's birthed a new normal. Again in our view there's an other voice here most are hell bent on either refusing to consider or doing their best to discount and persuade against. The idea that central banks are sinister in their actions, refusing to let markets set prices, flooding the globe with easy credit, chafes and abrades. It ain't suppose to be so. This is the anointed intellectual set, academically washed, properly baptized and enthroned.

So if the really important but oft overlooked thing is not the answers you get but the questions you ask, here's one for you. Are we headed for a major commodity-inflation outbreak? An other voice few can hear and most to keep their comfort must deny or ignore.


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