Those of you who have followed our blogs know we've been saying this for a long, long time. This is not a back-patting on our part. These signs and symptoms are hardly new. Nor is the bed sharing claim.
What is new is people like this lady finally coming out with her rants. Late may better than never and deserve some credit, but very little because the Internet is fraught with decent, intelligent, informed commentators who have been blurting out such charges for years. The only difference is platform size.
While we appreciate her comments, we respect much, much more those less in the MSM cynosure who risk much, much more to view theirs views. And still do to this moment. If you fail to understand this is about your liberty and freedom of choice and expression, so be it. One of the unspoken rights of the Constitution as it was originally written is one's right to remain ignorant.
We ourselves have been censored, blocked for 16 days from sending out our blogs over a major news outlet. Our crime: questioning the description one of the nation's most powerful scribes used to depict Trump supporters way back in the Iowa primary. The story centered on the writer's description of the Trump supporter as a middle aged, white male, semi-literate tow truck driver with less than a King's English command of the language.
We used no foul or unseemly language, merely questioned the description and it condescending and contemptuous attitude toward not just the driver but anyone who by implication would support such a rogue. We stated we couldn't imagine anyone in today's environment getting away with writing that about a Mexican or African-American tow truck driver in California or New York without the sky caving in on him.
We were told next time the penalty could be worse. After the episode, we inadvertently, as life sometimes strangely unfolds, came across others who had been censored and warned, people we had never even seen before. So think not this is new or novel. You're an elitist if you think it won't or can't happen to you.
Two weeks ago, Judge Jeannine Pirro hit it out of the ballpark with her stunningly honest and frank monologue that "there's an insurrection coming" and that "the American people are sick and tired of crony capitalism."
Overnight, she followed it up with another striking rant, this time explaining why the Republican Party's mantra has suddenly become that "Donald Trump must be stopped. "Why?" she asks rhetorically:"why would Republicans try to sabotage their own front-runner and risk a Democrat winning the White House?" Her answer, which is absolutely accurate: "The Republican establishment, elected officials and party leaders are in bed with the Democrats!"
She explained:
“If Hillary wins, nothing is lost for them, it’s business as usual. The lobbyists keep their offices on K Street, the pharmaceutical companies keep paying them, the unions keep adding to their pensions and the lawmakers get their reelection bribes – I mean contributions – while we the underclass work two and three jobs and rack up a debt our children and grandchildren will have to pay for generations!”
For the full read, here's the link.
When the Iowa primary tattoo tossed out to describe Trump supporters failed to take, the elite of these two parties and much of MSM ramped up the onslaught of more vicious epithets in their attempt to derail the Trump train. See and count, for example, to give just one example, the number of editorials deriding Trump and his supporters in The Wall Street Journal alone.
What they don't get or don't want to get and will never get until you open your voice and join the fray is:Many of Trump's supporters are not bigots, haters, gun nuts, xenophobes, homophobes, little kids searching for their mommies and daddies, illiterates or any such thing.
They're educated, generous, kind, forgiving, loving people of all races and creeds who simply want the freedom to live their lives in their own way, completely indifferent to what you and I do so long as it doesn't impede their freedoms anymore than you and I want theirs to impede ours.
They're fed up with over-regulation, over-taxation, increasing government invasion of privacy, big, indifferent government, big government deficits and even bigger government lies and the phony two-party elitist status quo system. They're sick and weary of a deceptive, mindless foreign policy that has, to use one of the elite's favorite terms, no endpoint. In short, they get it.
They understand we're all about to be stranded and hogtied in a cashless society under the usual phony guise of catching the bad guys and gals and altruistically doing what's best for us. After all, they're from the government and they're here to help us.