It's really fun to watch MSM spread it's propaganda.
In the pharmaceutical industry if some natural, inexpensive, non-prescription remedy gets too much positive recognition, proving in many incidents to actually work, you can bet it won't be long before big pharma cranks up its huge research engine, opens it deep pockets and produces a widely, MSM-covered research report saying it doesn't work.
Usually, they will toss in a few requisite scary side effects the natural substance might contain just to buttress the point and attach the names of a few high pedigree physicians from the requisite high pedigree academic knowledge boxes to the study as a closer.
If that fails, those deep pockets suddenly will reopen and that huge, bureaucratic wasteland called the FDA will abruptly issue a cease and desist edict to those writing about or recommending the substance, accusing them of practicing medicine. You need a license to do that.
You also need a license to sell booze, so if there's a certain level of alcohol present expect to hear from them. Elections are supposedly about voters giving others a license to rule. In this case, unfortunately, we pay them instead of them paying us for the license.
When is the last time anyone asked you to vote for a director of the FDA, the chairperson of the Federal Reserve or, for that matter, the Supreme Court? Again, supposedly, the license we grant to those others implies they would do a better job of choosing. And again, unfortunately, history says otherwise. All three can deeply impact your lives.
President Obama recently named his candidate to fill the vacant seat at the U.S. Supreme Court, a pretty far left of center magistrate in the eyes of many. Well, you didn't have to wait long. After some questioned the candidate's political leanings and his close ties to labor unions, the other side got their printing presses rolling. Pronto.
Here's an example from a noted liberal news organization, Business Insider. There's no implied evil here, just a statement of fact. The title tells you everything you need to know, especially if you're a rare member of that small-but-rapidly-disappearing society of people who like to think for themselves and know that this is really about political, social and financial turf. Nothing more and nothing less.
It's the struggle to impose one brand or another of serfdom on your liberty, also known as pick your poison.Trying to pass this guy off as middle of the road is as hilarious as it would be to try to pass his predecessor off as being middle of the road. But we have little doubt some historian in the not too distant future will most likely try to do it. And it will most likely make the New York Times bestseller list.
The one sure thing you can count on is the contempt for and the insults to your intelligence from these two sides, left and right, never stops.
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