Thursday, March 24, 2016

The hilarity of this presidential campaign bust up seems to have few bounds. And we're just getting started. Forget HBO or "Walking Dead," we can't wait to see a Trump versus Hillary insult banger. Pay attention all you stand up comics. There's sure to be some great material there. And it's free.

The MSM hypocrites in their over-the-top disdain for Trump keep accusing him of acts "beneath the dignity of a presidential candidate." Man, you gotta love that. What about the so-called dignity of people in their phony Fourth Estate structure?  Editorial page scribblers and inconsequential economists who want to be.

Do you think Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren's recent tweets, provoked or otherwise, was beneath the dignity of someone in her position?  We do. Apparently, the over 3,000 people who stated on her site they loved it didn't.

These are people who have, like Trump supporters or not, unleashed tons of harsh epithets at Trump followers. The list of uncivil and vile names is continuous. And without any objective evidence except their public support for their choice. They don't know these people. They can't prove anything. It's the worst kind of guilt by association judging.

Voters vote their preference supposedly for lots of reasons and sometimes for just one. They hardly support a candidate's every cause, a fact these elitists in MSM know. But fear and desperation bring many things with them. And one can smell the fear and feel the desperation.

Trump continues to catch flak for his run-ins with Fox News personality Megan.Kelly. Let's be fair. If she came on television with any more makeup caked on she's be a package of pancake mix at Wal Mart. Now, the critics will jump up and down saying this is anti-feminist. It isn't. She's a public figure, not entitled to the same rights and speech protections as private citizens. She is also an attorney, most likely being in the media she is more than aware of these legal differences and the cases that have decided them.

Is it a statement of fact that she appears in what many would call excessive make-up? Well, there's the rub. Who gets to define excessive make-up? Well, certainly not MSM and that's precisely what they're trying to do here as they do in every election.

As a WSJ elitist wag recently wrote: "Voters are better at signaling dissatisfaction than thinking clearly about solutions," to which we have two responses. It's nice for him to decide what we're capable of and have you tried to get in touch with your elected officials lately?

His next comment is right out of a high school civics class. "Democracy's great virtue is not the wisdom of voters' every judgment but the fact that an election is always coming, so can voters react against choices that are not working." This one is almost too cute for a response, but if that's case, sir, why are you and your cronies trying to deny Trump voters the right to exercise their opinion against what they believe is clearly not working?

Now Trump is catching further media hell because he ran a picture of Cruz' wife next to his own after a PAC committee  supposedly associated with Cruz ran one of Trump's wife posing semi-nude. Cruz is a big boy. He claims he didn't run it. But he knows the rules: the buck stops irrespective with the big dogs, something he's pretending to be. Cruz might not of signed off that photograph, but our guess is he knows who did.

Both sides are claiming to be pure.The truth is both are about as pure as the left over snow from a week-old snow storm. There's bigger truth here. This is a deeply, deeply divided nation and the chasm is growing. Unlike MSM, we'll leave it up to you and your vote to decide if that's bad or good or just is.

For the nth time we will state again: We don't have pony in this race. But for spectators the entertainment value is undeniable.

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