Concerns over The Donald as he is known in some New York quarters continue to grow.
Here are two stories from the Internet today about Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump as he continues to rattle lots of cages especially since his Super Tuesday performance. This is after all an election year and politics and markets particularly with the increasing government inference and rise of regulations investors need to keep their eyes on their pocketbooks as they will no doubt take a hit whoever the victor is.
Going from what many thought was just a clown show to what is now perceived even by his detractors as a serious candidate this indeed will be an interesting and exciting run to offset what's been doled out in the boring past.
Football season may be over with March Madness soon to follow, but what could turn out to be a spellbinding run to November awaits. If the race is even close, you can expect the newspapers lining the bottom of those cages to get changed a lot more often.
Hollywood eat your boring heart out.
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