Sunday, March 6, 2016


There is no end to what the climate change freaks will go to push their end point--you and me are the problem. So some day soon you and me won't be the problem.

The staunch, cunning villains of the past, oil and gas, also known in the underground world of science as hydrocarbons, have apparently lost their number one ranking on the most hated list.

It's now what you and I eat, our diets. The first thought is you wonder how long and how much energy it took for this crowd to think this up. The second thing is villains are necessary for any agenda. Time does that. Like bakery items, issues and certain villains become stale. So new ones must be conjured up to keep agendas alive.

It 's sorta like the recent news report by one of Trump's ex-wife who claimed that he kept a copy of Hitler's speeches on his nightstand. Well, another guy also reportedly kept a copy of the Furor's speeches close at hand went by the name General George S. Patten. Huh! Wonder what the common thread was there?

But let's return to dietary problems and their effect on the environment. Here's a piece from a known left-of-center news outlet, Business Insider. No surprises here. We like to read as many sides as possible. And somewhere in the middle we might hopefully find what Diogenes was looking for with his lantern--not an honest man but an honest report.

We will keep looking. Meanwhile, here's a link. Decide for yourself. Look for beef to soon join the $100 bill. It's most likely why money laundering and terrorism is currently such a problem. It's not flatulence anymore. Or is it?

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