Friday, March 18, 2016


The WSJ's bevy of editorial writers have managed to lob just about every bomb they can toward the Donald. But the Trump Train despite some hitches keeps on chugging down the track.You can tell their running low on their supply by today's paltry peeve.

Are you ready? Here it is: "He is the least commanding front-runner since Ford." Now think about it; that's a serious charge. The key phrase in this pathetic editorial is "...weakest Republican front-runner." Ford was with all due respect a pretty dull character on a good day. A former center on the football team at Michigan, one of his opponents characterized him as "playing too many games without his helmet on."

Call Trump what you want, but dull isn't one them.

Then they cite the breakdown of those who voted for Trump so far in what they label as "the large and fractured GOP field," dividing it into what one can only suppose they deem true GOP lemmings and the disgruntled. By their calculations the disgruntled outnumber the lemmings about 3:1, a fact that ought to tell them two things: one about their archaic, bankrupt party and the other about the current state of widespread despair and how far they and their ilk are out of touch.

They next shuffled their cards to deal out one of their pet terms that's right up there with other nonsensical political favorites, bipartisan and compromise--coalition. That's their way of threatening him to make amends (We all know what that means!) with the 39% of GOP voters who recently said in exit polls "...they would consider supporting a third party candidate if Trump and Clinton are the nominees."

Well, here are a couple of observations: These folks love to lose and last time we looked there's no shortage of cake around. But you got to give those kids on the WSJ editorial staff credit for two things, their persistence and their hypocrisy.

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