You gotta love the Donald. One guy with a crazy, beau-fount Betty Crocker hairdo can rattle so many cages, cause such international angst.
Take the editorial page people at the WSJ. If they were any more pathetic, they'd be pitiful. But first lets take a headline in today's Journal about China: "For China, Politics Trumps Economics." Think that through for a second. You don't even have to think that carefully though. Do you think politics doesn't "trump" economics in the U.S. or the EU or Russia?
Such nonsense comes out of the bowels of MSM daily. Two of the three main editorials in today's WSJ are on Trump. This is almost their daily fare. Another headline in today's paper essentially blames "white people" for Trump's popularity. Though it might be difficult for you, imagine a major MSM outlet blaming black or Hispanic or Asian people for someone's public traction.
So far in the last week we've read editorials in the WSJ referring to Trump supporters--and in some instances directly labeling--as bigots, racists, fascists, gun nuts, crude, uncivil, to name just a few of their well-chosen-agenda-driven epithets. One brave dude there, hiding behind his editorial facade, compared him to Mussolini and the early black shirts. Hitler is another common comparison we've seen.
When some of his e-mailers responded with some fairly rough language--hardly uncommon in American political history--he contemptuously and cowardly accused them of adopting the MO of their leader. That should tell you much of what you need to know about their opinion of your ability to think and speak for yourself.
We want to be clear here, we don't have any skin in this race. If you study the history of Japanese samurai, you know they were taught to enter battle with an empty mind. There's a word in Japanese to describe this state that escapes us at the moment. It's one of the great paradoxes of not just fighting but life in general. If your mind is full of the left hook, chances are better than good you won't see the straight right coming.
The list of lame and limp past presidents from left and right is long. Trump's not even there yet. Some might say he can't do any worse than the current White House occupant. But that would be called partisan by some. Others might conjure up the ghost of Nixon. If you believe that even today Nixon wouldn't have any defenders, you should enjoy your naiveté.
Our point here is simple. The fear of a Trump presidency by any and all standards--historical, economic, social or otherwise--is more over-bloated than the current equity market. In fact, it's a direct insult to the public at large, left, right or over the top. And in part it's why a guy like the Donald can have such appeal. The media moguls, bureaucrats, politicians, central bankers, academic economists and outer space college professors, have only one opinion of you and by now it should be clearer than crystal--contempt.
As we said at beginning: You gotta love the Donald. One guy with a crazy beau-fount Betty Crocker hairdo can rattle so many cages, cause such international angst. That's power. And that's what the entrenched cognoscenti are fighting so feverishly and so fervently not to surrender.
You might have even in this centralized-controlled world the right to give up your power, but in the process at least for now no right to surrender that of others.
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