Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Since the start of the year, notwithstanding an anemic 3% February correction, it's been pretty much up, up and away.

For weeks now since the DJIA broke into new territory focus shifted to the S&P 500. When would the famous index join its brethren? It's as they say a when not an if.

A broader, much more intriguing question is, then what? More new, greater heights or will it prove in a month or so to be the beginning of a meaningful correction?

We all know about worry-walls. We also know about head-in-the-sand types.And one could postulate we all know them by another monicker, Democrats and Republicans.

A lot of previous bears lately have suddenly got that old time religion. They've jumped on the bull market bandwagon. Could this be a contrarian sign? Or did they get it right?

All things in their time.

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