Monday, March 18, 2013


A recent article about the explosion of Americans on food stamps, a fact many believe contributes to escalating food prices, quickly deteriorated in the comments section to a racial discussion.

And some people wonder why websites and even some in MSM are either considering or are blocking their comments sections. Too often the comments completely sidestep the issue and sink into ad hominid. 

Dumb is what we say. Not too different from pretending that painful rock in your brogans ain't there.

The nanny state of which food stamps is only a part continues to grow. Think for a second of it as home prices or tech stocks or swamp land in the 1920s in Florida, one great big giant bubble.  Bubbles have a way of getting pricked.

Discourse about how much is too much is futile. Like the federal deficit, we're long past that point. If you think it's painful now, just wait around. The paucity of real leadership in the world today is frightening.

If you need a clear example, see Cyprus. In the meantime here is a further insight into the growing nanny state

Make the mistake that the US is different if you want.  Truth is welfare has become the proverbial room full of measles. 

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