Friday, March 1, 2013


We want to be among the the first to say this sequestration ballyhoo will not, as in no way, turn out to be the maelstrom most pundits predict.

To begin with you're dealing with some Washington folks who love to play hardball with other folks' lives. Now both sides face rock-and-hard-spot time where their tried and trite blame game has become little more than a tattoo that won't take. It's older than yesterday's fish-wrapped newspaper.

Next point: "We don't give a damn who blew out the furnace, it's colder than my old girlfriend's heart, let's get the hell outta here!"

Stanley Druckenmiller of hedge fund fame and a former Soros head cheese, recently whined his way though a one hour media interview about seniors bankrupting the nation's youth.

It was another of those pick-on-the-most obvious, usual suspects, social security and Medicare. Let's drive a convenient wedge between those doting old folks whose sweat helped prosper this country and the younger crowd with the inflated college grades and egos about their self-worth. Druckenmiller obliquely threatened to unleash a 40-million throng of kids on Washington one day.

Someone needs to inform Mr. Druckenmiller that's hardly a gathering.  And forget Washington. When the temperatures drop low enough they'll be legions outside those officials' first and second and third homes. Now you're talking some leverage. Take the struggle to them.

It's one of the basic tactics of guerrilla warfare. And in case you don't recognize it, that's what this is--economic guerrilla warfare. Democrats say it's because they didn't get their way. Republicans will say it's because they didn't get their way. And you didn't get your way either, better prospects for a better, safer life. Real wages have been worse than funky for a decade. And real inflation is one of the government's best-dined lies.

Hardcore? Not really. Hard truth? You bet.

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