Thursday, June 19, 2014


U.S.Dollar Exchange

“If Washington can’t lead, it should at least get out of the way.”
That's a quote from economist Benn Stiel, director of international economics at the Council Foreign Relations in New York. Stiel's comment came today in, just one of several sources about how the Fed screws things up here and, what many fail to suspect, abroad.

The role the U.S. dollar plays since Bretton Woods in international markets is and has been way out of whack. Yet it's a role that allowed for, perhaps even encourages, gross financial mismanagement. Two things in that quote standout. Both are facts.

Washington can't led and it doesn't, owing to its massive arrogance, know how to get out of the way. Meanwhile, the search for an alternative international currency for trade grows, a fact few Americans even know about let alone understand..

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