Tuesday, January 26, 2016


You should expect it to happen. Of late much of the focus has been on the relationship between oil and equities. In the jargon, it's called correlation. Lately, it's been a fairly tight one with both going the same direction--down.

Things like this bring out the pundits. Here are some examples if you want to know more you might want to check out notwithstanding what economist Alan Blinder, former Vice Chairman of the Fed under Greenspan, in his recent don't worry melody about China and low oil prices in the WSJ.

According to Blinder, China is no big deal and neither is low energy prices. It's just those silly, spooky markets frightening themselves. In short, China will glide to a soft landing. Sometimes it's difficult to figure out which is more dangerous--spooky markets or spookier opinions. But that's your job if you chose to accept it.

1. marketwatch.com/story/what-oil-prices-really-say-about-the-stock-markets-future-2016-01-26?

2. marctomarket.com/2016/01/great-graphic-world-equities-and-oil.

3. dailyspeculations.com/wordpress/?p=10860

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