Current concerns over China run way deeper than just the numbers, but that's the focus you see and hear in MSM.
The much deeper, more important lesson people are leaning is you can't trust government numbers. Any government. As a kid growing up in school you hear about those Banana Republics with their economic problems and corruption and you think it can't and won't happen here.Then one day suddenly you're a grown person and you realize it's been going on all along.
If you can't trust government numbers, you can't trust governments. Any government. There's a poll in the WSJ today showing that if Trump and Sanders are the two candidates for president in the up- coming election and if the it were held today, Sanders would win by a fairly wide margin.
That's one of those go figure things. At a time when more and more people around the world are angry and disgruntled with government, Americans would elect an admitted socialist, a guy who would do his best to impose more government on them.
Now we don't know how honest or accurate that poll is because polls are are comprised of numbers with people who have an agenda and there's something called mass-directed propaganda that gets unleashed by private and public sectors.Take a look at the pharmaceutical industry or the CDC.
What we do know is this, though it 's most unwelcome in our PC-controlled society today: People get what they deserve. And dear investors, whether you recognize it, that's what these markets are telling you. One of the major goals of the PC crowd is to abolish the responsibility of caveat emptor.
As an article we recently read about China's economic woes, with more expected, concluded: You have been warned.
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