Thursday, September 29, 2016

Our View
Washington BS has been around a long, long time. It used to be, however, they sprayed it a bit with fertilizer along the way. Now it's just blatant, in-your-face arrogance. FBI Director James Comey's case is one in point.

Pressure on him to keep his job and help Hillary get a new one was obviously enormous. This doesn't means he's owed any sympathy. Just the opposite. He's another example of a public figure who takes an oath, verbal, written or unspoken, to uphold without bias the law. He apparently failed miserably beyond any shadow of doubt. We've suggested that he should be charged with dereliction of duty and perhaps even brought to trial. Short of that, perhaps his pension obviously coming from taxpayer pockets--the very people he's likely failed--should be reduced or completely revoked if cause can be established.

One thing the people of this nation can no longer tolerate is slamming those big steel doors behind blue collar wrong doers while sending white collar miscreants off to the local spa. We're not just talking Wall Street here. Yes, zero tolerance is the birth child of the leftists, a term they revere. Now it's time to make that a two-way thoroughfare.

An Opinion WSJ piece, "The Legend of Saint Comey," is too kind by three-quaters. Mr. Comey--as noted in the piece, and why not he's in Washington--suffers from the politician's disease, flip-flopping. Many of Comey's responses were insulting to the rest of us, left, right or way out there, who are expected to tow the mark. If they were a door with hinges they could pass for an escape hatch on a submarine.

Mr. Comey appears to have granted immunity to everyone except those without a pulse. To all these shenanigans the best ire those astute Journal editorial snobs could muster was: "Far be it from us to call Mr. Comey a weasel, but his highly unusual methods in investigating Mrs. Clinton have tarnished the FBI and certainly knocked off the halo."

Wouldn't you love to have these editorial wusses on your side in a knife fight.

That's our view. We hope you know yours.

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