Sunday, September 25, 2016

The Cliff At The End

"We must select the illusion that appeals to our temperament, and embrace it with passion."
                                                                                                             Cyril Connolly

Tomorrow evening the American people--those who care to tune in, perhaps giving up for the moment another American tradition, but one seemingly declining in popularity of late, Monday Night football--will be offered the first of another episode in what has become known every four years as a debate.  Choosing one's brand of nepenthe is one the few reaming freedoms of choice still left for now.

It's supposed to be about choice, the differences and the opportunity to clear things up for those who might care to express their personal opinions a few weeks later. That is to say, who might be the better choice for the nation's future. It isn't.

The illusion is there's a difference between the two participants.There isn't. One offers a future of being bitten to death socially and economically slowly by a flock of ducks, the other devoured by a hungry 500 pound African male lion. Such fanfares are usually taunt with well-worn popularized MSM themes served up with the proper hand-picked settings and moderators, another illusion, this one of probity and faux fairness.

Contrary to the opinion of many, this is not about which lives matter, race, creed or color. This is about power and control. It's about riling up and preparing the masses for the next big one, something that's much closer than most realize. In this case the powers that be, aided by their cohorts in MSM, have worked long and hard to reverse the sexes. It's part of the illusion. Skillful to be sure, but still arrogantly deceptive. The cliff at the end of this road has many names, but it's always spelled the same--One World Government.

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