Monday, June 13, 2016

Do Yourself A Favor

Here are some things you won't see or hear in MSM about the Orlando massacre. As we always say: Read, watch and decide for yourself.

“I mean, I’m pretty sure it was more than one person,” witness Janiel Gonzalez told a bevy of reporters. “Like I said, I heard two guns going off at the same time,” he continued, gesturing back and forth with his fingers indicating the gunfire emanated from separate directions.
Further, he explained, panicked clubgoers had difficulty locating exits during the shooting, which he estimated lasting eight minutes — plenty of time for the shooter(s) to reload multiple times. When Gonzalez and others finally found a door hidden behind a curtain,
“There was probably like 50 people trying to jump over each other just trying to exit the place, and there was a guy holding the door. The guy was holding the door and not letting us exit.”
When they asked why he was blocking their only way out — as the shooting seemed to be drawing near — Gonzalez said the man told them, “No, you guys have to stay inside. Stay inside.” Desperate, the group demanded he move to give them safe passage — but the man’s steadfast refusal to do so provoked a serious question.
FBI Admits: 'Orlando Shooter May Not Have Worked Alone'
5 Reasons To Question The Official Story Of The Orlando Shooting
Orlando Shootings: Terrorism or False Flag?
By Stephen Lendman
Terrorism and G4S: Was Orlando Another False Flag?
June 12, 2016 by Kevin Ryan
Orlando nightclub shooting: Yet another false flag?
It sure walks, talks and quacks like one
By Kevin Barrett on June 12, 2016
The Orlando Nightclub Shooting & the Media-Government Alliance

DHS, FBI, and others - somehow 'missed' a potential attack, by not properly connecting the dots.  This is an extremely unlikely scenario - the event happened 15 minutes from a local FBI field office, who has their "Pulse" on the local community.  Just last month, the FBI foiled a terror plot involving a man who wanted to apparently bomb a synagogue.  They monitor all electronic activity, are we to believe they didn't pick up any 'chatter' ?   We can't disprove a negative, there's no evidence supporting the incompetence theory - that it was a 'mistake.'  Many will say it was incompetence, because Omar was in contact with the FBI previously - and the thinking goes, they already 'knew' about his connections to Islam, and so - should have stopped him from buying guns at the first checkpoint, and at the second checkpoint - from any preliminary preparations that were made minutes leading into the event (such as communication with his Terrorist friends).  Not incompetence.

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