Monday, June 13, 2016

All Tears Have Salt In Them
Fifty-one people were just butchered in Orlando.

Another 50 were injured and those are the one we know about. Even among the lucky non-injured, how much damage was done? Anyone think that was an act of rationality? Anyone think gay lives are less important than, say, lives of African-Americans or Hispanics? We don't don't know the statistics but odds are great that horrible list of victims includes Caucasians, Hispanics and African-Americans.

Let's be clear here. We are not gay. There are news stories the FBI was focusing on homeless people not just in Florida but other places. There's a reason for that, one MSM denies and refuses to focus on. From Connecticut to Colorado, the shooter was a mentally ill person, one known with mental illness. In the Colorado case he even told his psychiatrist, according to reports, he had urges to kill lots of people. Given what we know so far from Connecticut to Colorado to San Bernardino to Orlando or those Twin Towers how many were done by the homeless?

For those who despise the obvious, there are two terms for this--pattern and profile.

Is the psychiatrist libel? Did he or she inform the authorities? We have a so-called President who is either unable or unwilling to call this what it is. One of the reasons should be fairly obvious. If he does he won't be welcome in any mosques anytime soon. You have a whole horde of people from the Beltway to Hollywood who want to take the easy path--focus on the weapons not the reasoning behind the massacres. Some things are just too unpalatable to stomach.

A lot of gay people--as should be their right-- voted for Mr. Obama and they most likely will step peacefully into polling booths this November and vote for Hilary. Yet the same rights should be afforded to those who will vote for her opponent whoever it is.  Much of what we have today is a byproduct of PC. The chicken late or soon finds it's way home to roost.

How long will it be before one of the victims in these human slaughters will be a loved one of a Congressperson who gets the toe tag? Brutal. Crass. Insensitive?

Tell that to the friends and loved ones of the Orlando slaughter.

All tears have salt in them.

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